Over 100 articles helping you get the most of Wizard, the fast and friendly statistics package for Mac.
Click a topic below to learn more.
Overview of features
About Wizard documents, and how to navigate them
Importing and exporting data
Importing and exporting spreadsheets, binary files, plain-text files, and databases
Viewing raw data
Viewing, sorting, and editing a data table
Filtering data
Applying and configuring data filters
Pivoting data
Creating tabulations of counts and descriptive statistics
Summarizing data
One-column and two-column summaries; charts and inferential statistics
Computed columns
Indicator, recode, and combination columns; squaring, summing, multiplying, and other transformations
Managing data tables
Joining and stacking data tables
Multivariate analysis
Creating models, running regressions, and making predictions
Making predictions from models and hypothetical values
Formatting options and preferences
Decimal places, capitalization, and more
Statistical concepts
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